Industrial Pretreatment Program Charges

Industrial Pretreatment Program Charges

Use the navigation on the right to view the surcharge and fee information charts.

Excessive Strength Sewage Surcharges

Fox Metro has determined that certain pollutants are compatible with the wastewater treatment process. Fox Metro reserves the right to recover the treatment costs for those compatible pollutants that exceed the surcharge levels listed below.

Compatible Pollutant Surcharge Level
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD5) 200 mg/L
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) 250 mg/L
Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3-N) 25 mg/L
Hexane Extractable Materials (HEM) 100 mg/L

The excessive strength sewage surcharges for these pollutants are calculated using the following formula:

Ps = ( Pavg – Psl ) x Q x 8.345 x TCp

Ps = the excessive strength surcharge for the given compatible pollutant.
Pavg = the average concentration of the compatible pollutant for the wastewater discharge in question. This value is usually the average of the results of the last six analyses run upon 24-hour composite samples of the wastewater in question.
Psl = the surcharge level concentration of the compatible pollutant as indicated in any Fox Metro Ordinances or Rate Schedules in effect at the time the surcharge is calculated.
Q = the Industrial User wastewater flow in millions of gallons (MG).
8.345 = a factor which converts the product of concentration (mg/L) and flow (MG) into pounds of compatible pollutant.
TCp = the treatment cost charge per pound of the compatible pollutant, such charge being stipulated by any Fox Metro Ordinances or Rate Schedules in effect at the time the surcharge is calculated.
As of 03/01/2013, the TCp for BOD is $0.26/lb.
As of 03/01/2013, the TCp for TSS is $0.34/lb.
As of 09/01/2012, the TCp for NH3-N is $0.40/lb.
As of 09/01/2012, the TCp for HEM is $0.24/lb.

Permit Application Fees

Permit Type Charge
SIU Categorical $1,500.00
SIU Non-Categorical $1,500.00
Groundwater Remediation(1) $750.00
Septic Hauler $500.00
(1) An additional Service Connection Charge may apply. Does not include users fees for amounts of groundwater discharged.

Sampling, Reporting & Other Miscellaneous Fees

Item Charge
Sample pick-up only $15.00
Automatic sampler service (2) $250.00
Sampling service per person labor rate, minimum charge/hourly rate $30.00
Dye testing, minimum charge/hourly rate (requires two persons) $60.00
Liquid sample digestion for metals analysis $15.00
Sludge sample digestion for metals analysis $20.00
Copy of any Fox Metro Ordinance $2.00
Copy of any Fox Metro Report/Public Record, per page $0.20
(2) Automatic sampler service includes 1 day automatic sampler rental, thirty minute sampler installation time, thirty minute removal time, and sample pick-up charges. Time required to install or remove a sampler in excess of 30 minutes will be billed at the standard sampling service labor rate of $30/person/hour.

Septage Hauler Fees

Septage Hauler Rate (as of 03/01/2015) $0.07/Gal.

Laboratory Analysis Fees

Analysis Charge
Acidity $13.00
Alkalinity $13.00
Arsenic, Total (by ICP) $11.50
BOD, Carbonaceous $25.00
Barium, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Cadmium, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Chemical Oxygen Demand $25.00
Chlorine, Total Residual (Amperometric) $15.00
Chromium, Hexavalent (by IC) $58.00
Chromium, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Coliform, Fecal $20.00
Coliform, Total $20.00
Conductivity $15.00
Copper, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Cyanide, Amenable $60.00
Cyanide, Total $40.00
Cyanide, Weak Acid Dissociable $40.00
Dissolved Oxygen $15.00
Flash Point $40.00
Hardness $15.00
Iron, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Iron, Dissolved (by ICP) $20.00
Lead, Total, (by ICP) $11.50
Manganese, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Mercury, Total (Cold Vapor) $35.00
Molybdenum, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Nickel, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Nitrogen, Ammonia $15.00
Nitrogen, TKN $40.00
pH $2.00
Hexane Extractable Materials (HEM)
(also known as Fats, Oils & Grease or FOG)
Silica Gel Treated – Hexane
Extractable Materials (SGT-HEM) (4)
(also known as Nonpolar Hydrocarbons)
Phenol (4-AAP) $40.00
Phosphate, Ortho $20.00
Phosphate, Total $30.00
Potassium, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Selenium, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Silver, Total (by ICP) $11.50
Solids, Total Dissolved $9.00
Solids, Total Fixed $9.00
Solids, Total Suspended $9.00
Solids, Total Volatile $9.00
Total Toxic Organics (5)
Volatile Acids $40.00
Zinc, Total (by ICP) $11.50
(4) Requires an initial HEM analysis to be run at a separate charge of $25. Thus, the total charges resulting from a SGT-HEM analysis are actually $50: $25 for the HEM analysis plus $25 to analyze the HEM residual for its SGT fraction.
(5) The TTO analysis is performed on a contract basis with an independent laboratory. Charge will be cost of sampling & analysis charged to Fox Metro by the independent laboratory.
(6) If it is necessary to analyze for parameters not included in the above schedule of charges, Fox Metro shall charge an amount based upon the cost of the analysis.

Typical Enforcement Response Plan Fees

Enforcement Response Charge
Initial Phone Call or Other Verbal Notification $0
Increased Sampling Frequency (7)
Billing/Violation Letter (1 in rolling six month period) $0
Billing/Reporting Violation Letter (more than 1 in rolling six month period) $50
Billing/Discharge Violation Letter (more than 1 in rolling six month period) $100
10 Day Late Report Violation Letter $100
20 Day Late Report Violation Letter $250
Notice of Violation/Compliance Meeting $500
Various Fines (8)
Failure To Correct Discharge Violation, per sample violation, minimum (8) $1,000
Failure To Correct Discharge Violation, per sample violation, maximum (8) $10,000
Publication Of Significant Non-Compliance $1,000
Show Cause Hearing (9) $2,000
Compliance Directive (10) $2,000
Revocation of Permit (11) $2,000
Disconnection of Service (12) $2,000
(7) Costs based upon sampling equipment used, parameters analyzed for, and frequency at which Fox Metro determines the increased monitoring needs to be performed.
(8) Fines based upon penalty schedule found in Fox Metro Water Reclamation District Industrial Pretreatment Ordinance in effect at the time of the penalized ordinance violation.
(9) Charge is in addition to any costs incurred by Fox Metro for legal counsel and any other costs incurred by Fox Metro in the conduction of such a hearing.
(10) Charge is in addition to any costs incurred by Fox Metro for legal counsel and any other costs incurred by Fox Metro in the preparation of such a directive.
(11) Charge is in addition to any costs incurred by Fox Metro for legal counsel and any other costs incurred by Fox Metro in the permit revocation process.
(12) Charge is in addition to any costs incurred by Fox Metro for legal counsel and any other costs incurred by Fox Metro in the disconnection of service, such as, but not limited to, connection excavation costs.

Aurora, North Aurora, Boulder Hill, Montgomery, Oswego, Sugar Grove and portions of Yorkville and Batavia

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